About Me

William R. Benner Jr.


President and CTO Pangolin Laser Systems

William R. Benner, Jr. is President and CTO of Pangolin Laser Systems. As President, he sets the general strategic direction for the company and oversees all aspects of company operations. As CTO, he is in charge of all hardware and software development as well as research for new products and new directions for the laser industry.

In addition to having received more than 40 honors and awards for technical achievement, products invented by Benner are currently used by some of the best-known entertainment and technology companies in the world, including Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, DreamWorks pictures, Boeing, Samsung and Lawrence Livermore Labs.

Benner holds nearly 60 US and International Patents, and has received personal letters of commendation from U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Florida Governor Bob Graham. He has articles published in IEEE, SMPTE Journal, The Laserist, and Motorola’s Embedded Connection magazine. He is the sole author of the #1 best-selling book LASER SCANNERS AND co-author of the best-selling business books Game Changers, Win, and The Success Secret. Benner has also been featured on NBC, ABC, CBS and FOX television affiliates.

Beyond his work at Pangolin, Benner holds the highest class of Amateur Radio license (callsign N4WRB) and has also served on several boards as well as serving for seven years as ILDA’s Technical Committee Chairman. He also contributed expertise to outside companies including Bliss Lights, Cambridge Technologies, RMB Miniature Bearings and many others.

When he’s not hard at work in the Pangolin office, he can be found kayaking in fresh water lakes, riding an electric bike, or playing drums at Lake Eustis Christian Church.